For Performa 2023, SUPERFLEX will produce new versions of Free Beer.
Thursday, Nov. 2: 12pm-8pm
Sunday, Nov. 19: 12pm-8pm

Performa Hub EventSUPERFLEX has consistently worked with a wide variety of collaborators, from gardeners to engineers to audience members. Engaging with alternative models for the creation of social and economic organization, works have taken the form of energy systems, beverages, sculptures, copies, hypnosis sessions, infrastructure, paintings, plant nurseries, contracts, and public spaces.
Free Beer is a beer which is free as in “free speech,” not in the sense of “free beer.” The name plays on a well-known quote by the free software activist Richard Stallman: “‘Free software’ is a matter of liberty, not price.” Free Beer aims to create a counter-system to copyright, which is a regulative system of law and metaphorical rights.
SUPERFLEX was founded in 1993 by Jakob Fenger, Bjørnstjerne Christiansen, and Rasmus Rosengren Nielsen. Conceived as an expanded collective, SUPERFLEX has consistently worked with a wide variety of collaborators, from gardeners to engineers to audience members. Engaging with alternative models for the creation of social and economic organisation, works have taken the form of energy systems, beverages, sculptures, copies, hypnosis sessions, infrastructure, paintings, plant nurseries, contracts, and public spaces.
Working in and outside the physical location of the exhibition space, SUPERFLEX has been engaged in major public space projects since their award-winning Superkilen opened in 2011. These projects often involve participation, involving the input of local communities, specialists, and children. Taking the idea of collaboration even further, recent works have involved soliciting the participation of other species. SUPERFLEX has been developing a new kind of urbanism that includes the perspectives of plants and animals, aiming to move society towards interspecies living. For SUPERFLEX, the best idea might come from a fish.
FREE BEER is supported and co-organized by Art Hub Copenhagen (AHC).

Eric Steen, Project Manager